Jan 21, 2018California is the sixth state in the country to legalize the recreational use of marijuana. With legalization comes a new set of rules. So the next time you light up keep these things in mind.
How Old Do You Have To Be To Buy? 21 years or older with a valid identification including out-of-state licenses.
How Much Can You Buy? Up to 1 ounce from a licensed dispensary. Remember they only accept cash. No debit, credit, venmo or bitcoin allowed.
Can You Smoke It Publicly? No. You can only smoke marijuana in your own home or on private property out of public view. However, check if with your landlord or HOA to see if smoking is allowed in your unit.
Can You Grow It? Yes, up to six plants are allowed per residence. You must be 21 years or older and the plants must be kept out of public view. Be aware that your local city may ban outdoor gardens or require you to obtain a city permit to grow indoors.
Can Your Employer Drug Test You For It? Yes. Employers can test you and they have the discretion as to whether to hire you or fire you for any positive test. Many federal agencies are required by law to test you for the use of cannabis. Remember cannabis is still illegal at the federal level.
Can You Drive With It In Your Car? Yes, but you can’t smoke and drive. Keep in mind that the rules are very similar to alcohol. Open containers or baggies of marijuana - unless it is located in your trunk - can get you arrested. You should leave it in its original sealed package until you get home.
Can You Be Charged With A DUI For Being Under the Influence? Yes. If an officer pulls you over and sees signs of impaired driving and a subsequent blood test shows that you have marijuana in your system, then you can be charged with driving under the influence.
Don’t miss my next post on how to expunge your marijuana conviction from your record.
Tamara McCormic follows the issues that are on everyone’s mind. Her goal is to inform, teach and help you understand your legal rights. Stay connected at LegalForms.Today for real talk on real issues.
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